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Round Labels 3 pura fons

Round Jar Labels 25pc/roll -Removable Without Traces -Design#3

Beautifully designed labels for your jars. They are of an extremely high quality. They are water-resistant and can be removed easily from the glass without leaving traces. I can be combined with other label shapes for unique results!


  • lei
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Round Jar Labels 25pc/roll

Removable Without Traces


Why Pura Fons Labels?

high quality removable labels purafons

water resistant jar labels purafons

removable jar labels purafons

High Quality


Removable without traces


Round Labels 3 pura fons


Our Jar Labels are of extremely high quality: the labels are water-resistant, have a removable glue that makes it easy to remove from the jar’s surface without leaving traces, and will not tear upon removal. This means that cleaning your jars will no longer be a hassle! You will no longer have to waste your time and energy cleaning them from the traces of glue.

Plus, it is easy to write on the label with a multimark permanent pen.


The labels are made not only for your personal use to decorate and organise your jars, but also to add a thoughtful touch to the jars you are intending to give as a gift to your friends, family, and neighbours!


You can personalise and pimp the jar by putting a round label on top of the background label of your choice and seal the jar with another label. You can also use oval labels with sealing labels, the round label on top of the lid, etc. The combinations and possibilities are endless.





Just give free reign to your creativity!

Round Labels 3 pura fons


Dimensions of labels:

Front label (round): 4cm
Front label (oval): 6cm x 4cm
Background label: 8cm x 5.7cm
Sealing label: 8cm x 1.5cm

About the pen:

For writing on the label, we advise you to use a multimark pen that writes on plastic. If this is your first time buying these labels, we suggest including the pen we are offering to your purchase.


removable labels for jars inspiration 1

removable labels for jars inspiration 2

removable labels for jars inspiration 3

removable labels for jars inspiration 4


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