Cozy Up With a Hot Christmassy Drink

Navigate through goodness

If you’re looking for a way to warm up your days in the cold season, we’ll show you how to make some festive drinks packed with Christmas spices and plant-based goodness. Whether you prefer a creamy non-caffeinated latte, a vegan golden milk, or even a non-alcoholic mulled wine, we have a quick and easy option for every taste. So grab your favorite mug and fill your home with the smell of holidays!


The health benefits of Christmas spices

Hot drinks keep you warm and cozy, and spices give them the intense flavor and natural sweetness that makes you love them so much. But did you know that – used in moderation- spices are also good for your health? Here are the benefits of our favorite Christmas spices:

Hot drinks keep you warm and cozy, and spices give them the intense flavor and natural sweetness while boosting your health
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Spices contain volatile substances - grind your own spices to enjoy their intense flavors and health benefits while they are fresh

• Cinnamon – spicy sweet

Cinnamon can help reduce blood sugar levels, which is especially useful after rich holiday feasts. Moreover, it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities that can even lower your chance of developing chronic illnesses.

• Clovesminty sweet

Excellent for dental health because they help fight the germs that cause gum problems and tooth decay, and help keep your breath fresh. Just like cinnamon, they have anti-inflammatory properties, and also analgesic effects which can help reduce gum discomfort. 

• Nutmegspicy nutty

Nutmeg has natural sedative properties that help ease muscle and nerve tension, and improve your quality of sleep. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as a high content of antioxidants that help the brain to function.

• Cardamom – floral citrusy

It is an emotional stimulant that helps lessen depression and anxiety. Plus, it has carminative and anti-spasmodic characteristics that help with digestive issues like cramps, gas, and bloating. 

• Ginger – spicy fruity

This warming spice that can help blood circulation and metabolism. Thanks to its numbing effect, it can help in case of nausea, motion sickness, and morning sickness. Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory qualities help against joint inflammation. It also boosts your immune system and fights against cold and flu symptoms.

Best hot drinks with Christmas spices

There are many delicious hot drinks that are warming and comforting. We’ve found healthy options for you that are vegan, non-alcoholic, and non-caffeinated. Here are some of the best:


✤ Yannoh Christmasy Latte ✤

Lima Yannoh Instant is a vegan, gluten-free, caffeine-free instant coffee substitute made from roasted grains like barley, rye, chicory, and acorns. It offers a mild taste and is low in saturated fat and salt, making it a great source of fiber. Add a few Christmas spices and turn this quick coffee substitute into a decadent warming drink!

Ingredients (for 2 mugs):

∙ 3 tsp Yannoh

∙ 400 ml simmering water

∙ 200 ml plant-based milk (warm)

∙ ½ tsp cinnamon

∙ ¼ tsp nutmeg

∙ 2 cloves

∙ maple syrup or raw honey

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How to prepare it?

▻ Add 1 tsp of Yannoh into each mug.

▻ Add equal parts of the spices into each mug.

▻ Pour the simmering water into the mugs and stir well.

▻ Add the warm plant-based milk of your choice.

▻ Add maple syrup or honey to taste.

▻ Enjoy your latte warm!

✤ Non-Alcoholic Mulled Wine

Try this warm spiced drink made with organic fruit juice and holiday spices. It has a rich and tangy flavor that is perfect for the holidays. You can also add some orange or apple slices for more flavor.

Ingredients (for 2 mugs):

500 ml Blackcurrant juice Biotta

∙ 5 cloves

∙ 1 stick cinnamon

∙ ½ tsp cardamom

∙ 2 star anise

∙ 1 pinch nutmeg

∙ 1 pinch ginger

∙ 1 small piece untreated organic orange peel

∙ 2 apple slices

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How to prepare it?

▻ Add all the ingredients into a small pot and cook together until fragrant. Turn off the heat when the drink is hot, but don’t let it reach boiling point.

▻ Pour the aromatic “mulled wine” into 2 mugs, and add the star anise and apple slices.

▻ Enjoy with your loved one!

✤ Dairy-free Golden Milk

Ingredients (for 2 mugs):

∙ 500 ml plant-based milk

∙ 1 ½ tsp turmeric (powder)

∙ 1 tsp fresh grated ginger

∙ 1 stick cinnamon

∙ ½ tsp black pepper

∙ 2 tsp coconut sugar or other preferred healthy sweetener (optional)

∙ pinch of cinnamon powder for decoration (optional)

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How to prepare it?

▻ Add all the ingredients into a small pot and cook together until fragrant. Turn off the heat when the drink is hot, but don’t let it reach boiling point.

▻ Pour the spiced turmeric milk into 2 mugs and decorate with the cinnamon powder.

▻ Enjoy hot!


If you want to be sure your plant-based milk is healthy and without additives, you can make your own using a multifunctional vegetarian milk maker, such as Miomat.

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